Fall Planters and Urns: What I DIDN'T do this Sunday

 I'll bet that you thought that you'd be reading about my fall outside decorations today, didn't you?

You probably thought that you'd be seeing photos of  beautiful urns like these two that I did for my neighbor, right?

 Or maybe these, that I did for my hairdresser and a friend of mine who had a bakery,

                      maybe you envisioned something like these?


Or perhaps you thought that I'd replicate what I did the year before last?

Or even last year. You may have seen last year's urn on Pinterest.

                              I really liked the way my urn turned out last year, don't you?

Yeah, you might have been seeing any of that today.

                         I was actually looking forward to having a really cool new urn to show you.

You're probably wondering why, then, you're looking at urns that I've done in the past instead of my beautiful new urn design for this year, right?

 Go ahead, admit it. I'd be wondering too.  Wondering what the heck I did all day.

Well, instead of constructing amazing fall vignettes in my urn and on my front porch, I spent my morning and early afternoon doing this:

That's right. I was seal coating my driveway.

                                       Three entire 5 gallon pails full of seal coating.

                                                                  The good stuff.  With the crack filler in it.

You can be jealous if you'd like to be.

                                         I won't mind.

                                                    You know, I think that the chickens might be jealous.

Or maybe it's just confusion, or relief that they moved to the front walk before all of this happened.

You know I have a tough time telling.


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Sand and Sisal
Savvy Southern Style