I've got a confession to make. Remember the cute, Pier1 knockoff burlap bunny ear and butterfly napkin rings that I showed you last week? The ones that I was convinced were going to be a part of my Easter tablescape? Well....they didn't make it into the final design.
After the 90% off Pottery Barn Moss Basket rehab was complete (take a look at the link if you'd like to see the "before's") and I put it on the table along with the other moss baskets of spring flowers,the bird's nest place card holders and the butterflies on the chandelier...well, it just seemed like too much.
I'll bet that you're surprised to hear me say that, aren't you? I'm the first to admit that I've never been very good at minimalism. Ask everyone who's ever met me...especially my sons.
In fact, my oldest will attest to the fact that the original design for the center of this year's table included a vintage green shutter and some old lace which he dutifully carried into the dining room and then back out to the garage. So you see, really, I did try to simplify.
I kept the place settings and the table cloth neutral to let the green and yellow in the florals (as well as the decorations on the sideboard and the ladder) become the focus.
Mother Nature graced us with a perfectly sunny day in the middle 40's (yes, that's warm for Chicago in March) and I'm pleased to say, the room felt like spring time...at least to me and my family.
Of course, my burlap-wrapped chandelier got a new spring makeover with a few butterflies, some moss and a few spring greens.
As for the poor butterfly napkin rings...Well, ...there's still hope that they may make an appearance for Mother's Day...unless I think of something else by then!

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Jennifer Rizzo
Savvy Southern Style