Super Simple Spring Decor: DIY Egg Tree
I'm practicing a little "simple repurposing: at the farmhouse today. I made the world's easiest Spring Egg Tree out of the sticks that I used in my Valentine's day door decor. Having a little spring in the house is saving my sanity and you can DIY a little spring of your own if you've got a few sticks and faux eggs hanging around.
Rustic French Soap {favorite things}
This is NOT a sponsored post. I'm simply sharing a soap that I happen to love.
What do you think of when you someone says "French soap"? When I was younger, "French soap" meant beautifully formed, finely milled soap that was generally reserved for guests or for when we spent the night at my Grandmother's house.
Bedroom Progress Photos: French Farmhouse Update
A few of you have asked me for "after" photos of the master bedroom. These photos aren't great but they'll give you an idea of where things are. You may recall the photo below from August when I shared it as I stripped the floor to ceiling wallpaper that covered every wall.
How to Create a Non-Chippy Milk Paint Finish on Raw Wood
I couple of weeks ago, I made a trek to my local IKEA to look at cabinets for Phase 2 of the renovation here at the farmhouse. Of course, once I finished that, I spent the next hour and a half looking at everything else including a couple of these adorable, unfinished, step stools. I just knew that they would be perfect to use to
Easy Valentine's Cupcake and Cookie Party
I love Valentine's Day! Heck, let's be honest, I love pretty much any day that gives me a reason to bake pretty food, set a pretty table, and celebrate the people that are closest to me. Especially when the pretty food consists only of sweets...cupcakes and cookies and, of course, chocolate.
Semi Homemade Strawberry Cupcakes {Easy Dessert}
Have I mentioned, lately, how much I love my 14 year old electric oven? No? Really?!
You look surprised.
Don't be. The reason that I haven't mentioned how much I adore my oven is probably because I don't.
Not. One. Bit.
Repurposed Vintage Wash Stand Potting Table
Tuesday evening, when I was at at the market picking up a gallon of milk, a pint of raspberries and some of the most beautiful strawberries that I've seen since last June , a really nice man took note of my knee high, black rubber boots and said politely, "You must be ready for the really deep snow that's coming." I smiled at him, shook my head and replied simply, "I am."
Milk Painted Rustic Farmhouse Linen Cabinet Tutorial
A couple of weeks ago, I finally started using the Miss Mustard Seed Milk paint products that I purchased last fall from Robyn Story designs (Link HERE). (I'd highly recommend Robyn for your MMS needs. She sometimes offers free shipping and her staff is incredibly helpful).
Two weeks ago, I used MMS hemp oil to restore and preserve vintage, unpainted, wood pieces in my home. This week, I'm sharing a very basic paint job on a pine linen cabinet for the bathroom.