Gray and Ivory Dining Room Area Rug

After the new hardwood floors were installed (read about them here) in the farmhouse dining room two weeks ago, the search was on for a new rug. The dining room rug from our last home is my "new" bedroom rug so I was needed to find someting new.

I made the decision not to have carpet in the farmhouse due to the fact that I have allergies and we have a dog. I decided that it's easier to maintain hardwood and area rugs (of course, I may change my mind at some point but for now, that's the decision....hardwood throughout the house with the exception of bathrooms, the laundry room, the mud room and the stable hall.

Where was I? Oh yeah, the dining room rug.  I knew that I wanted grey and ivory. I knew that I needed 8x11 feet. I also knew that I was not going to purchase an "heirloom quality" rug since we'll rarely be in this room and I want to "save" the money for other plumbing.

I made a quick trip to HomeGoods where I found the perfect rug...well, perfect except for the fact that it was 5 x 8 feet. I wrote down the name of the manufacturer and the style name from a label that I found on the back of the rug. Then, I went home and searched for it on the Internet and found the rug that I wanted, in the size that I needed at a place called, "Rugs Direct" for under $400! (This is not a sponsored post, I wasn't compensated in any way for mentioning this supplier. I'm just sharing my resources with you.)

I placed the order on line and the rug was at my home and on the dining room floor with a big yellow lab on it,four days later!

I'm happy to report that I was able to convince the dog to move long enough to put the dining room table and chairs on the rug as well! The dining room project is moving forward. I still have lots to do but I found a rug that I love at a price that I could afford...and it's "Piper approved", too!
