Spring Shade Garden 2015


Hello! Oh my gosh, it feels like it has been forever since I've had the time to write.  It has been a whirlwind two weeks. We celebrated Mother's Day a week early by spending a day working in the yard at my mom and dad's home because I had to fly to Atlanta for business on the "real" Mother's Day.

 I was in Atlanta until late last Thursday night for business training and it was really nice staying in a place where someone else did the laundry and the cooking for a few days but it sure made me feel like I had missed about a month in my yard.

Suddenly everything is in bloom.  The trees have leaves on them, the anemone and bleeding hearts are already fading and the early summer flowers are just beginning.  I worked in the little shade garden next to my potting shed this weekend and while there are still some "holes" to fill, I'm pleased at how it's progressing.

 It's also becoming clear that my cute little shed needs some repairs and a fresh coat of white paint....fortunately, there's still plenty of "summer" yet to come.

The humming birds and butterflies are back and they're having such fun buzzing around the flowers in the window boxes. I feel as if I could watch them for hours...
                                                                                                     especially when there's weeding to do.

I'm not planting many annuals this year. Construction makes it nearly impossible to get water to things.  I'm happy with the few things that I've managed to plant so far and I'm still trying to decide if I'll have time to plant vegetables this season.

I took these shots early this morning as I walked around my yard with my coffee.  These are my favorite days of summer....those when the early morning air is still cool, the grass is newly green and the promise of five months of gardening (and good weather for construction) are ahead.

I hope that you enjoyed this visit to my early spring shade garden.  Do you garden? Food? Flowers? Both?
