I can't believe that it has been such a long time since I've posted here....Yikes! To be honest, I wasn't sure that there was anything to show you but I've had more than a few of you send me messages asking how things are progressing over at the farmhouse so I thought I'd share a few photos. The renovation at the farmhouse is moving forward slowly....
but surely.
Rather than rushing through this process, I've decided to allow both myself and the artisans who are helping me with the renovation to take the time that they need to create the details that will make our home special.
All of the details are starting to take shape and things are starting to make more sense..at least to me.
As you can see from the photos, the cedar shake roof is complete, the board and batten siding is about 95% complete and the limestone is being installed on the studio and the front entry. The limestone fireplace and the garden wall are still to come.
Now that the weather is above 50 degrees and it hasn't rained in 48 hours, I'm also trying out what will likely be a combination of Old European Limewash and German "smear" on the brick. (the large patch of ivory in the photo above is the test patch for the lime wash). The exposed rafters have been painted and gutters should be installed soon.
Last weekend, we stripped the forms off of the concrete on the patios to get them ready for the stone face and paver flooring (precast concrete that looks like wood).
Reclaimed limestone sills will be added beneath the windows in the front of the studio and charcoal gray shutters and barn doors will be installed in the next month or so.
On the inside of the house, plumbing, heat/air conditioning and electric have been installed.We've passed our inspections for framing and plumbing but have electricity and insulation inspections yet to go before drywall.
The house is slowly getting more quiet and cooler thanks to open and closed cell foam insulation which has been sprayed in the attic and will be sprayed int he walls as well.
Details like interior brick and stone walls and archways are framed and waiting for stone. The front door is ordered. I chose clear alder for the wood and I can't wait to see it!
As you can see, we still have a lot to do but I'm pleased with how things are going so far. The 1924 farm sink for the mudroom is at the refinisher and the marble fountain which will become the powder room sink is going out to be drilled for the drain. Plumbing fixtures have arrived.
The berm that we installed last year is thriving and as soon as the ground is dry and the masonry is complete, final grading will remedy the "lake" that forms in the rear yard every time that it rains and maybe I'll finally grow some lawn.
In the mean time, robins are having a field day building "condos" atop the exposed beam on the porch outside of my studio. The beam will be wrapped in reclaimed wood next week so I hope that no one lays any eggs before we can get that completed.
This is my new friend...the "builder" who is doing the "work" on the porch. She's apparently taking over for my friend the black duck who successfully nested in my window box for three and a half weeks and then hatched eleven ducklings and moved them before I could see a single one (honestly..I left the site at 8pm and by 8am the next day, they were gone).
Seriously?! I waited for three and a half weeks and didn't even get a glimpse!

This week, I ordered the tile for the bathrooms, cloister hall and laundry room. I also met with the wrought iron fabricator who is making the lantern bracket for above the front door.
I'm still working on kitchen cabinets, the hearth room fireplace, and interior doors but other than that, I can finally say that I am in the home stretch as far as selections go. More updates as the mason finishes the surround for the front door and the brick is lime washed.
Thanks for reading!