When one word is "Enough"

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Layla, over at the Lettered Cottage, issued a challenge today. She challenged us to choose a single word to inspire us for 2012.  I've read about it, thought about it, talked about it, pondered about it and now, at 5:20 p.m. on 16January12 have decided that it's "enough".  That's right, my word of the year for 2012 is ENOUGH.  (Thank you, Pinterest, for the images)

I may be cheating just a little bit because anyone who read my posts for 2011 knows that I ended more than one of them wishing everyone "enough". 

It started with an Irish Blessing that I know which goes like this:


So for me, the word ENOUGH is perfect. There are daily reminders of "enough", I use them often. Here are some of my favorites:

enough. Enough Crazy Enough

Enough said!
