Happy Sunday after Thanksgiving! I hope that you had a wonderful weekend. I know that I did.
Do you feel like you spent a bunch of time in the kitchen over the last week? I do. First it was cooking and baking in preparation for hosting family for the holiday.
Then, since Thursday, I've also spent a fair amount of time in the kitchen mainly eating leftovers...for every meal. Mainly leftover pie.
So much so that I've decided to go on a diet.
It's a new kind of diet. I invented it this morning.
Yes, I know, those of you who have been reading my status updates on the Serendipity Refined Facebook Fan Page can stop laughing now.
I know, you're probably thinking to yourself
Yeah, right. She's going on a diet AFTER she ate pie for lunch.
Actually, it wasn't the pie for lunch yesterday that did me in. It was the pie for breakfast this morning that got me thinking...
about Christmas cookies...and how they're right around the corner.
I was considering the fact that I bake batches and batches of cookies in the weeks before the holiday
...and how most of them never last 24 hours.
Having young men and their friends in the house virtually guarantees that a batch of cookies can be finished (along with the gallon of milk that was supposed to last for three days) in under ten minutes.
Trust me. I've timed it.
So, I decided this morning, (while I was all hopped up on the sugar rush following eating a piece of butterscotch pie for breakfast followed up by a cup of really strong coffee),
that I should probably resist the urge to bake Christmas cookies, at least for a few weeks....
you know, until closer to the actual holiday.
After careful consideration...while my heart rate returned to normal after the caffeine and sugar wore off. I decided that it's kind of like doing everyone a favor.
...At least everyone who lives at my house and would like to wear pants with a zipper in them to family gatherings or to mass over the holidays.
I'm going to save everyone a few pounds...I'm using the cookie cutters for a WREATH...in the kitchen!
Don't worry, I didn't ruin them. They're just tied on with waxed twine. They can be carefully removed, when the time comes, to bake batches of all of our favorites.
Above the stove, hanging in a place that would take me, standing on a ladder to reach..
A ladder that I'd have to go outside, into the cold garage to get.
Safe from me...and any chance of spontaneous cookie baking.
Safe from anything but a well thought out effort to go to the garage, get the ladder, take down the wreath, untie the cookie cutters, wash them and then bake cookies.
It'll be a couple of weeks but it'll happen....because me and the gingerbread man have a date...
and I'm pretty sure we'll be joined by a gallon of milk.

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Between Naps on the Porch
Embracing Change
Jennifer Rizzo
Stilettos in the Mud
Thoughts From Alice