I thought that I'd try something different on my front door for Valentine's day this year. Instead of a wreath, I chose fluffy white feather "cupid wings" to go with the DIY gold cupid arrows arrows and quiver that I made a few weeks ago.
I simply added a few cardboard hearts which I painted and glittered and a banner that I made from two pieces of twelve inch scrapbook paper (and more glitter).
It's not fancy and it cost exactly $0. As it turns out, that's probably a good thing because immediately after I put it up last weekend, this happened:
Sure, we've been having a really mild winter this year and we were pretty much overdue for some snow but really!? 20 inches in under 48 hours?!
Come on, Mother Nature, was this really necessary?!
Did I mention that , this was also the weekend that our 25 year old snow blower decided to give up? Yep. There was a bunch of shoveling going on here at the farmhouse on Sunday.
All. Day. Long
Early on Monday morning I was feeling really good about the fact that I had created this cute cupid themed front door decoration and when the snow finally stopped and the sun came out, I opened the door to photograph it so that I could show it to you.
It was then that I discovered two things....
First, it was pretty clear that no one was going to see this cute decoration unless I shoveled a path from the street to the door. Second, it was too darned cold to stand outside, in the snow and ice wearing gloves...and boots...and a scarf, standing on a step stool trying to get a good photo.
I tried. Really, I did.
Don't get me wrong, I love you guys but I've got to admit, I love my toes and fingertips more. You'll probably notice that most of these photos are taken from inside...in the comfort of my
But that's enough about the cold. It's February! It's the month when days get longer and, regardless of what I see when I look out of my windows or what some groundhog in Pennsylvania believes, it's less than 40 days until the first day of Spring!
It's the month for chocolates and cookies and all things red, and pink and sparkly.It's the month for celebrating Love.....
and for hanging feathered cupid wings (probably left over from Halloween) that I purchased in the clearance aisle at the party store along with some cardboard hearts and gold cupid arrows on the front door to remind everyone who visits that Love lives here....
...so far, I think that the mail man is really enjoying it.
Or maybe he's just smiling because I finally shoveled the sidewalk...
and fixed the snow blower. It was just the spark plug. Who knew?!
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From My Front Porch to Yours