A couple of quick and little known facts about me:
1) I can't resist a bargain. I know, this comes as a shock to you, doesn't it?! Okay...maybe not.
2) Sometimes, the best makeovers are those that can be completed in under an hour...usually my lunch hour from my "day job" in corporate America. Case in point: Today's Lamp make over.
I purchased these lamps for $19.99 each, in 1990. Yes, you read that correctly, 1990. It was the year that brought us the "Rachel" haircut and back pack purses. I realize, of course that many of you who are reading this may not have been born in 1990 let alone old enough to do any decorating but for those of us who are of a certain age, the 90's were the "brass years."
In the '90's, antique brass was a big deal. Of course, so was having wall to wall mirrors....and carpeting in the bathroom.
Let me take the liberty of speaking for many of us when I say, "ICK!!!' (You can decide which of the aforementioned trends I'm referring to...and it may be more than one!).
I'm certain that the '90's brought us other decorating ideas that may have been worth preserving but right now, none are coming to mind and I'm still a little queasy over the bathroom carpet thing so let's just say that these lamps were overdue for an update.
First, I grabbed my tube of silver Rub 'n Buff and wiped it onto both lamp bases. It only takes a little. This is the same tube that I used on the two sconces and lamp that I made over last spring and I've still got a bunch left! Rub 'n Buff is an amazing product. It's wax based and it can be used on metal, wood and even plastic! It comes in a bunch of colors and several metallics (and some day, when I remember, I'm going to order something other than silver and black!)
Once the bases were dry, I simply buffed them with a soft cloth. Next, I moved on to the lamp shades which were dusty and needed new trim but were otherwise in good shape. I dusted them with a paint brush and peeled off the old trim. I purchased new trim at Jo-Ann's which I hot glued onto the shades. Six yards at $1.99 per yard, minus my 50% off coupon. Total Cost, including tax: $6.37.
Last, I wanted to add a little bling to these lamps. I wanted something more subtle than adding fringe or beads. I decided that decorative finials would add the sparkle that I was looking for but would still be subtle. I found two cute drawer knobs at Hobby Lobby on sale for 50% off. Total cost, including tax: $7.44
I used my hack saw to saw the screw off even with the base and then drilled out the center so that it would fit onto the screw which is connected to the harp that holds the shade on my lamps.
That's all there was to it. A super easy (and super cheap) update for my two guest room lamps that took under an hour....which is a good thing...because the thought of bathroom carpet is still making me feel like I may need to lie down with a cool cloth on my head until that image goes away!
Here's one more shot of one of the lamps on the Roadside Rescue Chalk Paint and Tinted Wax table makeover that I shared earlier this week.
Cute, aren't they?!