Sometimes, paint is a magical thing....other times, it's a necessity! Today, I'm going to show you how I made over the 1970's oak and brass fixtures in my bathroom using some leftover chalk paint, a half can of matte black spray paint and little imagination.
I remember joking about this bathroom with my Realtor when I saw it for the first time. I even posted the photo on the Serendipity Refined Facebook Fan remember....don't you?
Nope. I'm not kidding. The photo above is the real estate picture of the main bathroom at the French Farm all of it's navy blue wall paper'ed glory....complete with not one but two dusty, plastic, hanging plants. Go ahead, admit're
I think that the bathroom was a
Gee, do you think that "dated" an accurate portrayal of its condition?!
Thank heavens for the black primer spray paint that was left over from my sons' days of building models and the can of flat black spray paint that I found in the back of the paint shelf when I was packing the basement!
Ditto, the 1/3 can of Graphite Chalk Paint that was left from a chair that I painted last fall.
I probably should have taken more "before" photos but
You see, during Phase 1 of the renovation at the French Farm house (loosely defined as making the place safe, clean, and inhabitable), I'm not
I'm also not spending money to replace the mirror...or light bar...or the toilet tissue holder...because let's face it, the chances that they'd survive Phase 2 of the renovation in one piece and that I would be able to actually locate all of the parts when it came time to re-install them...well....let's not kid ourselves...
....I'm still looking for the charger for my electric's been a month.
I'm merely fixing what's here so that I can direct our guests to to this bathroom without having to make excuses.... or to suggest to them that the bathroom at the local service station may provide a more attractive and sanitary alternative....Yes, it was that bad.
Let me remind you (again, without going into detail that would potentially cause nausea and/or vomiting) that this house had been vacant and a rental over the last two years.
Yep, let me just say, "YUCK!" and move on.
So, after a single afternoon spent with spray paint and chalk paint...and a quick trip to the Home Depot for some $6.65 replacement globes, vintage style light bulbs, and new knobs for the vanity (as well as two coats of paint on the ceiling, walls and trim, and a few hours with gloves, bleach and cleanser) my 1970's oak and brass bathroom fixtures now look like this:
I'm delighted because this bathroom update cost under $50 and I have a bathroom that I'm not afraid to show to my guests. Well, as long as no one spends the night and needs to shower....Yeah, about that gold shower's next....stay tuned.
Resources and Information:
Cabinet, Mirror Frame and Oak Light Bar: Annie Sloan Chalk Paint: Graphite with Dark wax
Cabinet Hardware, Seeded Glass Replacement Globes and Vintage Style Light Bulbs: Home Depot
Walls: Benjamin Moore Kitchen and Bath Satin Finish in AF-20 "Marscarpone"
Let's look at the before and after one more time...shall we?!
Behold, the power of spray paint and chalk paint to transform old oak and brass bathroom fixtures into cool, industrial fixtures with just the right amount of vintage flair for a French Farm House.

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