My day started at 6 a.m. on Saturday. I drove the hour and a half to Grayslake to "early bird" shop at the Grayslake flea before traveling through Volo and along the Fox River, through Lake Geneva, (stopping at thrift and antique stores along the way) and finally, to Elkhorn. I was there to help my friend, Diane Passi set up and do a little early bird shopping before having dinner and finally heading home at 10 p.m..
Since this was a "working" trip, I didn't bring my camera but these are my favorite finds from the weekend:
A vintage market cart $35 and a man's silk and felt bowler $2.
I came home with a carload of stuff but, for me, the best part of the day was the people that I got to meet and spend time with. Highlights of the day, in addition to spending time with my crazy-talented friend Diane Passi and having dinner at one of the best burger places in Elkhorn was seeing my friends Sandy and Joe from Rhubarb Reign, Rick from Hundt No More, Jan and Kathy from Gracie's Cottage and Down Lilac Lane . The BIGGEST of the day was FINALLY meeting Jorie from 63rd Avenue as well as Candyce and Jill, the fabulous mother/daughter team behind aLTerEd eVeR aFtEr ,and Miccia from Junk Jubilee.
I'm certain that I've missed a few folks and if I did, I"m sorry.
It was a whirlwind day.
A perfect day.
Sunny, 80's, vintage, and friends.
My favorite kind of Saturday!
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Common Ground