Small Space Portable Gardens: Herbs and Veggies in Repurposed Containers

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Repurposed container Chicken wire grape vine basket kitchen herb portable garden

I planted the first part of my kitchen garden last weekend.  Literally...

                                     It's a garden that is, for now, resident in the east facing windows of my kitchen.

Since our home will likely be on the market in the coming weeks, I won't be able to plant the Raised Bed Kitchen Jardin Potager that I built last spring.

Instead, I'm growing herbs and veggies in containers which could be moved in the event that we sell our home before Autumn.  Over the next couple of weeks, I'm sharing my small space, portable, garden solutions.

The first container that I chose is this rusty, crusty, chicken wire and grape vine basket that I normally use when I'm weeding... or for holding freshly picked veggies for rinsing after they're harvested.

This year, I repurposed it as a portable herb garden.

I lined the basket with moss, added a rectangle of black plastic to keep the soil from making a mess on the counter when I water it, put a few stones in the bottom for drainage and simply added 4 inch pots of herbs.

Of course, this isn't all of the herbs that I'll be growing this year, but it's the perfect scale for sitting on my kitchen window sill...or the top of my butcher's block.

I love the way the rusty chicken wire, gnarled grape vines, and fuzzy grey moss contrast with the delicate green leaves of the herbs.

I also love the fact that I haven't had to go outside in the pouring rain to pick fresh herbs to use in my cooking and salads this week.

On the days that the sun does actually shine, the sweet smell of herbs in my kitchen makes me smile...and speaking of salad....

Kitchen herb veggie repurposed container grow portable garden

I certainly couldn't resist growing mixed leaf lettuce in a stainless steel colander...could you?

Fresh lettuce...conveniently located about two feet from the faucet and just below the cabinet where I keep the salad bowls! The best part about it is that I should be able to harvest and regrow this same crop for most of the summer.

There's also  a scaled down version of my larger strawberry pot which will hold supplemental plants  for this season but truly, for right now, I'm enamored with this herb basket.....

Kitchen herb veggie repurposed container grow portable garden grape vine chicken wire moss basket

and planning containers for squash, zucchini and tomatoes!  Stay tuned!

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Savvy Southern Style
Stone Gable

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