White Spray Painted Metal Patio Furniture and Tea in My Garden
Happy Friday! I'm so happy that you stopped by today so that I can show you the "after" photos of my spray painted metal patio furniture!
Remember how it looked a couple of weeks ago?
These were the few remaining pieces that I didn't have time to finish last year. I did love the bright colors but I'm decidedly more at home with white and softer pastels.
I used two cans of white primer and three cans of white semi gloss spray paint to cover this set. Just dust off any loose paint and dirt, hold the can about twelve inches from the piece and spray, in several short blasts, until the piece is covered.
I'm not usually a fan of spray paint but I can't begin to imagine how long it would have taken me to paint this with a brush...it would have been days...and there wouldn't have been time for tea. Not that there really is time...I should be weeding...or spreading a little mulch before PROM next weekend!
Ah well, sometimes, I just need to take time to smell the flowers...
...or, in this case, to enjoy their faces.
Aren't pansies amazing?! They're like living watercolor paintings....
I'm looking forward to a few sunny spring mornings and warm summer nights sitting right here...NOT weeding. Just chatting with a friend or two...
and enjoying my white spray painted metal patio furniture. Until next year...when I may paint it blue. I'm kidding...it'll probably be green...to match my watering can! ;)