What A Difference A Year Makes... Spring

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What a difference a year makes.  As a mother of sons, this became apparent in the spring when "long pants" suddenly weren't and I was reaching up.to give my little boys a hug.

Over the course of twelve quick months, hair styles, and clothing styles (and girlfriends)... change.
My high school Junior is now a Senior getting ready for Prom...and graduation.

My college Junior is getting ready to be a Senior and to move from Illinois to Georgia for a summer internship.

Sometimes, I wish that I could make time stand still...or better yet, turn back the clock...just for a moment...to have time to catch my breath.

So far, I haven't been able to manage to make that happen so, I'm hanging on... with both hands... feet firmly planted in the present...enjoying every second of  the crazy, wild, ride that is spring, 2013 with all of the new adventures that it will bring for my family.

And marveling at the fact that all of the photos above were taken exactly one year ago today....
and that precisely 365 days later, my spring garden looks like THIS.

Maybe turning the time clock ahead a couple of weeks wouldn't be such a bad idea...

Oh wait... that would mean that it would be a couple of weeks closer to graduation...and my son's move to Georgia....

Yeah, on second thought, never mind.  I think that I'll just take life as it comes and enjoy it.....


Because this  photo was taken in my yard last week...
