My "Home for the Holidays"

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With only hours remaining until Christmas Eve, I thought that I'd share the final photos of my house for this year and a poem from Helen Steiner Rice. I wish each of you the magic and wonder of the season, the love of family and friends and above all, I wish you "enough". Enough time, and patience; love, and faith. Enough kindness and compassion for yourself and others.  Enough togetherness and alone time. Enough resources.  Merry Christmas.

A Season of Kindness
May the kindly spirit of Christmas spread its radiance far and wide
So all the world may feel the glow of this holy Christmastide.
Then may every heart and home continue through the year
To feel the warmth and wonder of this season of good cheer.
And may it bring us closer to God and to each other
'Til every stranger is a friend and every man a brother.

From where I sit (my office).


 That's it for this year. I'll leave you with a few other "random out-takes" from various rooms.