In the middle of the renovation, I'm still decorating for fall. In fact, all decorating is in full swing here at the farmhouse. The porch is dressed with mums and pumpkins and a sign that I made from reclaimed paneling that I removed when renovated the fireplace in the dining room. If you cup your hands around your eyes and look only at my front entry (ignoring the fact that there's no other landscaping at all because it has been cut down for construction) you might be tempted to think that the outside of my house is nice.....
....don't believe it. It's all a mirage.
If you don't believe me, ask the neighbors I caught them again today....for ladies in their 30's, walking by...and talking...and pointing at my house. They didn't see least at first. They were a group of neighborhood moms obviously on their way to pick up their children from the grade school just down the hill from my house.
If you don't believe me, ask the neighbors I caught them again today....for ladies in their 30's, walking by...and talking...and pointing at my house. They didn't see least at first. They were a group of neighborhood moms obviously on their way to pick up their children from the grade school just down the hill from my house.
I happened to see them as I was working in the dining room on Thursday afternoon. They were chatting and smiling as they neared my property line. But then one of them must have said something because they turned, in unison, and looked at my house. Their faces changed. Suddenly, they were wearing that quizzical, perplexed, look that happens spontaneously when you see something that you don't understand... when you you're walking into a meeting and you happen to glance down in the middle of the day and you notice that you're wearing two different shoes. Same style...different color and you think to yourself, "how in the world did that happen?!"
Or when you walk past a house where all of the landscaping has been chainsawed down to stumps but then you round the corner....
...and the front entry is decorated for fall.
And you think, "What in the heck is going on at that house?!"
From the street, my house looks like it's being torn down. The sidewalk is heaved, the shutters are losing their slats, the windows are rotting in their sills. But I'm ignoring least as it relates to the front entry. I placed a few mums that are the same color as those that I used in my urn planter in baskets near the steps. I used a vintage child's chair and a couple of old step stools to add variety and give the vignette some height.
If you read my post from yesterday about how to make new bushel baskets look old, then you'll probably recognize at least a few of the baskets as being those that I aged using vinegar and steel wool.
For now, most of the pumpkins are white and turquoise in keeping with the colors of the farmhouse door. That will change in a couple of weeks when I'll add orange pumpkins when I decorate the porch for Halloween....unless I don't have a porch which, for this year, is my fondest wish because it will mean that we're finally doing the exterior...before it snows.
I draped some grapevine and bittersweet around the porch post and across the top of the entry because there's not really room to do anything around the door frame. The wreath on the door is the horseshoe shaped wheat wreath that I made in this post and you can find out more about the urn planter arrangement here.
The fall harvest themed porch and entry are the extent of my outdoor decorating this year I don't mind though because having less to do outside has allowed me to do a little fall decorating in the dining room and the kitchen....stop by again, there's lots more to see!