Three days seemed like ENOUGH time

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Happy Labor Day! 
Remember my word for this year?  It was contained in this post. My word for this year is "ENOUGH".


I have three days off in a row! That seemed like a long time when I said it aloud at 4:30 on Friday evening as I was laying out my plans for the weekend. Now, on Monday morning, it doesn't feel like all that much.

Don't get me wrong, I've had a wonderful weekend!

I had dinner with a friend that I haven't seen in 35 years.

I started building a harvest cart using the amazing wheels above which were given to me by a friend who is a scrap metal dealer.

I watched my son (and 1200 other runners) compete in his last Hornet/Red Devil Cross Country Invitational. Over the last 7 years of watching my sons run, it has become my favorite meet of the year.

I've spent time with my family and am driving my oldest back to school. I will likely not see him again until Thanksgiving.

I did not, however, finish the harvest cart. I made progress but I discovered that when it comes to choosing between  finishing a project or spending time with family, the project ends up waiting. 

Three days off simply  isn't enough.  I hope that you're having a fabulous Monday.
