My girlfriend, Ann, from Nellie's Barn Sale and I spent an entire day cleaning and organizing the studio. When we finished, it was a work of art, organized, labeled. Heck, I even had a vignette or two.
I made it through all of my holiday projects with a clean and organized space. Putting things back into their proper place is chore for me, I'm a messy artist. I tend to create all over the place. But I was managing. Until January.
In January, a dear friend gifted me with his mother's art and crafting supplies after her passing. Needless to say, I was delighted and I moved them into the studio. The problem was that never really made the time to find homes for all of them. So boxes and bags sat atop each other and some fabric got put atop that, and so on. Over the spring and now summer, the studio again has reached the point that I can't walk into it.
As you know by now, it takes an event before I'm compelled to spend time organizing. Well, this time, the event was the roadside rescue of this beauty:
Well, that and the fact that I hit a little snag in the exercise room makeover so I was looking for a project. Candidly, it's not like I could really ignore it any longer. The mountain of crap was making its way into the hall. So, on Saturday, the contents of the studio was emptied into the living room and dining room.
Yes, that IS a cookie sheet holding paint.
I also relocated the yellow cabinet to a spot in my living room and took the two wonderful pine chairs that I got from my Grandparents to the TV room in the basement. You know something?! The room is HUGE! Even with 4x4 feet taken up by my loom, the space is amazing. Heck, seeing the floor is amazing!
That's what I'll be working on this week. I'm not painting the walls. They are Benjamin Moore HC-115 Georgian Green and they're in good shape. Besides, the ceiling in the room is 14 feet tall and I know that I'm not getting on an extension ladder. Trust me, I considered a lovely "all gray and ivory" color scheme with graphite walls for most of the day on Saturday before I decided to live with what I have.
Oh, and apparently there's also stuff in the pantry....sigh.

P.S. As a part of this massive effort, I'll be donating fabric and craft supplies for which I no longer have a use. If any of you know of a charity in the Chicago/Rockford, IL area that would accept this type of donation for their craft room, please let me know. Thanks!