The foot rest had been banished to the scary basement because it wasn't pretty like the other furniture. It had a "Colonial Oak" spray-on finish, nasty upholstery, and a foam padded top which was so old that it was flat.

Then one day, a
The foot rest was thrilled because she knew that she'd be beautiful like all of the other "upstairs" furniture that she'd seen all dressed in white and ivory. With a waive of her paintbrush (actually several waives and a needle and thread), the Fairy Godmother transformed the lowly foot rest into a beautiful story time seat.

Of course, I don't have any small children to sit on this seat, or to whom I read, for now. But some day I will, and when that time comes, this seat will be waiting.
And I'll be able to tell the story about how even a poor foot rest like this can turn into something beautiful.
All it takes is a Fairy Godmother (or a crazy suburban woman) with imagination and a paintbrush.
Did you notice how I worked that whole "Fairy Godmother" thing into the story? I knew that you would. I also know that it's a little sappy, but I love a story with a happy ending, don't you? (It's also no secret that I've always wanted a magic wand... or at least a little fairy dust.) That seems fair, doesn't it?

I'm linking this post to:
At the Picket Fence
Beyond the Picket Fence
Coastal Charm
Common Ground
Embracing Change
Faded Charm - White Wednesday
Freckled Laundry
From My Front Porch to Yours
Funky Junk
Jennifer Rizzo
Live Laugh Rowe
Miss Mustard Seed
Savvy Southern Style
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