so bad that you can't figure out why you didn't just throw it away last year?
Then you find a new one at your favorite store but the $50 price tag scares you away?
Don't get me wrong, it was adorable
but $50 for a container?
To fill with treats to give away?! Um...... no.
Thank heavens for my
and a 40% off coupon for Hobby Lobby.
and my Versa tool .
Did you know that you can carve Funkin brand foam pumpkins?
Yep, you can. It says so, right on the label.
Of course, you'll be left with the big hole in the bottom of it.
Which you'll need to stick a couple of wood dowels into, cover with Frog tape,
and fill with Great Stuff foam...the kind that fills BIG GAPS because really, a three inch wide hole IS a BIG GAP least in your book.
Then take it outside, spray paint the inside flat black and the outside white.
Stand back....decide that you should probably add an entire can of Krylon Glitter Blast that you have leftover from last Christmas.
Now you 're ready to decorate! You can download free Halloween Fonts Here. (I used Creature at 150 Pts. for the word TREATS).
Print the words on card stock, dip the edges in glue then glitter.
It's easier than trying to draw a straight glue line on a piece of card stock.
Especially if you're over the age of 25... which I am...way over... but we're not here to discuss that.
After you've made two sets of the letters, you're going to want to decide that they would look much better if you stamped them with a background.
Print out two more sets of letters after finding out that it's not easy to stamp a background on card stock with glitter on it.
Make a wire handle and cover it with ribbon by sewing (or hot gluing) the edges of 1 1/2 inch wide ribbon together forming a "sleeve" for the wire.
Push the wire through the sides of the pumpkin about an inch from the top and form a circle for an end to hold it in place.
Cover the outside with cute ribbon rosettes. Add stars and ribbon.
Place the treat bowl on the cabinet in the foyer.
Decide that it's really too soon to purchase any candy to fill it with because it would be eaten in a week.
Admit to yourself that Halloween is over a month away and you don't want to gain 10 lbs before then.
Decide that you should make some cute trees to go with your darling treat container.
More on that next Monday!
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